Resident FAQ

Resident Frequently Asked Questions

  • How old do you have to be to apply?

    All occupants over the age of 18 must apply for residency.

  • You have a property I want to rent. How do I apply?

    Please contact the resident manager to verify availability and obtain an application.

  • I want to move out, but my roommate wants to stay. What do I do?

    All occupants in the unit, along with the property manager, will need to sign a “roommate release” form acknowledging that one occupant is leaving the lease contract early and is no longer financially responsible for rent at that dwelling. Security deposits stay with the unit until all residents have vacated.

  • My lease expiration is coming and I want to move out. What do I do?

    Please provide your resident manager with at least 20 days written notice to vacate your unit prior to the end of your term. A forwarding address must be provided as soon as possible.


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